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In our Ascension model, we recognize and work with 15 Waves of Spectrum of Frequency that correlate directly with the Universal Rays and our individual Chakra systems (see the Universal Time Matrix).
The first nine layers of the Spectrum of Frequency, or Kundalini, include levels of particle currents that make up the matter worlds. Above these nine dimensions are the anti-particle dimensions, which are blueprint forms of liquid plasma light or hydro plasmic currents. The amount of energy stored in the Kundalini reflects the capacity of the genetic code to hold energy. Soul energies that cannot integrate into the DNA will be stored in the Kundalini centre at the base of the spine develop a customised plan, and implement change to optimize your business.
Each Soul is an individual consciousness unit originating from the eternal god source, or Infinite consciousness, All that is. Every Soul possesses a unique blueprint with a divine purpose: to learn, evolve, experience all aspects of creation, and eventually return to and reunite with the eternal god source.
The Soul body encompasses the threefold principles of creative imagination, receptivity, and feeling perception, holding the recorded memories of consciousness. It acts as a repository of accumulated memories from physical or external experiences, translating them into the internal energetic reality of the being's consciousness. These many lifetimes of experiences are stored in the soul body and embedded in the cellular matrix of our body as memories.
If the Soul body is not whole or connected, these functions become distorted or non-existent, manifesting as blocked experiences and memories within the body. The Soul is the higher sensory body, enabling higher emotional states and feelings, as well as the development of sensory abilities. It allows our heart to deeply feel the love of god as a unifying force and acts as a bridge between the Soul and Monad body, which unites with the Inner Holy Spirit when ignited in the Higher Heart.
The Soul Matrix represents the first spiritual triad when a human being begins to connect and integrate soul body energies and the heart complex during the initial stages of spiritual awakening or ascension. This entire soul body consists of three layers that interact as a horizontal triad body. Each layer—4D, 5D, and 6D—corresponds to a specific Chakra, its coloured wave spectrum, and a dimension of time and space in the future.
The Spirit Body of the Monad represents the higher mind function of the Observer, which is conscious and aware of forming concepts and making assessments. This higher mind principle arrives at neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences. When the spirit controls the body's nervous system, it enables the higher evolution of consciousness.
The Spirit Body enters at the moment of conception through the Permanent Seed Atom in the higher heart complex, guiding the formation of the human blueprint and preparing for incarnation. Unresolved soul trauma can impede the spirit's ability to evolve consciousness and activate the higher heart, as the soul and spirit are deeply intertwined in the heart's spiritual functions. The core essence of the spirit within a human resides in the heart seed, moving throughout time and space eternally.
The Monad's spiritual body triad encompasses the 7th, 8th, and 9th layers but begins connecting at the 8th Chakra, located at the thymus gland, also known as the higher heart. As the Monad integrates, the entire heart complex undergoes a transformation, shifting from the astral heart of the 4th Chakra to a blue aqua heart. The heart chakra changes to blue, and the frequency it emits becomes blue, linking to the turquoise of the Mother Arc, which ignites the inner holy spirit called the Amoraea Flame.
The Over Soul refers to the harmonic triad of the 7D-8D-9D layers of the Light body, also known as the monadic matrix. The heart-brain complex is an intelligent structure best described as the original and organic design and function of the collective human soul/oversoul matrix. This structure interfaces with cellular memory and the planetary grid consciousness network. It forms part of the mechanics of the energy structure within the many fields of consciousness, specifically the morphogenetic field layers that govern time and space. The heart-brain complex is a consciousness structure and architecture that has largely remained dormant within the planetary body fields.
When we seek to connect with the organic architecture of our Christos Blueprint, we facilitate the healing and integration of our soul extensions and monadic extensions. Our Soul and Monad are collective consciousness families, containing extensions that simultaneously exist in other dimensional timelines. The first level of spiritual awakening involves connecting with our soul consciousness and its extensions, which comprise 12 different individual personalities. By integrating our soul consciousness, we unify these 12 aspects within our consciousness body, harmonizing the triad of the entire Soul Matrix and transforming our experience of emotions and the forces of love.
Complete soul integration leads to the higher integration of our Monadic Matrix or Oversoul Matrix. This matrix contains 12 oversouls, each with 12 souls, amounting to a total of 144 monadic or oversoul extensions. Each stage of monadic integration brings significant expansions of consciousness, unifying the monadic matrix within our consciousness body. This process reveals our connection to everything, allowing us to live in a vast universe filled with endless possibilities to explore.
A christos avatar refers to a 12-dimensional simultaneously conscious being, representing the highest expression of the original human divine blueprint. Each of us possesses an Avatar Christos future self, which we can call upon for support in our personal ascension journey. This embodied "Christos" exists in the triad form within the 10-11-12 dimensional mind matrix, also known as the Universal level of consciousness.
The complete tri-matrix identity of the 10D, 11D, and 12D Avatar layers merges into the three frequency levels of the Universal Christos field. These levels constitute the Krystic Mind, the Buddhic Mind, and the Nirvanic Mind.
A Time Matrix is a map of all the Timelines in which consciousness moves, simultaneously taking place within the entire time matrix. It is the mathematical program by which consciousness experiences time and matter. The cosmic structure contains six 15-dimensional Universal Time Matrices, designed for the individualization of consciousness into dimensions, allowing the perception of time. Collectively, these are referred to as the Time Matrix.
The Universal Time Cosmology encompasses twelve dimensions of simultaneous time-space cycles within a fifteen-dimensional wave spectrum. Each Harmonic Universe corresponds to a Triad of Spiritual Identity that our consciousness evolves through: Personality (1D-2D-3D), Soul (4D-5D-6D), Oversoul (Monad) (7D-8D-9D), Avatar Christos (10D-11D-12D), and Founder Consciousness (13D-14D-15D).train your sales team, and help you close more deals.
The macrocosmic structure of the Universal Tree of Life is mirrored within the microcosmic structure of the personal tree of life, known as the Musica Universalis, or the Music of the Spheres. This harmonic structure organizes the spherical vibration of multiple spectrums of frequency. The Music of the Spheres is based on the metaphysical principle that mathematical relationships express qualities or tones of energy, which manifest as numbers, visual angles, shapes, and sounds—all connected within a pattern of proportion.
By attuning to these patterns, we can perceive the movement of energy in action across multidimensional realities. These realities are represented in our model of the Universal Time Matrix as massive, sentient fields of co-creative Collective Consciousness journeying through time, space, and dimension.
The individual human anatomy (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies) manifests within the multidimensional layers of vibrational frequency, as instructed by the core manifestation body template, the Tree of Life. Every aspect of Universal Creation and its life spiral is designed and guided through these blueprint structures, which contain multiple arrangements and layers of the vibrational Spectrum of Frequency.
Learning to consciously navigate the vibrational quality of the Tree of Life allows us to travel through multiple dimensions of time, creating a personal pathway to spiritual sovereignty and energetic freedom. This journey is referred to as GSF (God-Sovereign-Free).
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