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Who ever controls the Mind controls the Body
Controlling the mind means controlling the body and soul – this is the aim of using alien implants for mind control on a mass scale. Such implants enforce socially acceptable beliefs and anti-human values that promote hierarchical enslavement and fear-based thought patterns. The ultimate goal is to condition humanity to accept spiritual abuse from negative aliens, thereby facilitating the divide and conquer strategy of the planet.
Most people fail to activate their higher heart complex and connect to their fourth DNA strand in adulthood. As a result, the chemicals they encounter can distort the DNA patterns and accumulate miasmatic overlays on core emotional issues and physical imbalances – a scenario that's anything but natural. People who can't activate their heart and access their fourth strand of DNA won't realize their true purpose on earth, nor will they be able to understand why they incarnated, or connect with their higher self.
Alien implants use bio-engineering to shape the human body and program it in accordance with NAA agendas. These implants can be made of biological or synthetic materials, etheric substances in the light body, or programmed nanobots (Nanites) used in artificial intelligence technologies. However, the purpose is to plug people into mind control systems that make them more vulnerable to the alien agenda and less connected to their inherent spiritual power.
Implants disrupt the electromagnetic balance and the homeostatic rhythm of our bodies, and they can even put the body in a hyper-immune state. This state places extreme pressure on the central nervous system, brain, and immune system, with the resulting physical and emotional stress leading to a host of problems, including overgrowth of fungi, yeast, parasites and other microorganisms.
Energetic parasites are just one of the many side effects of alien implants, and they eventually transform into physical parasites that impact all physical and mental functions of the body. Such parasites promote disconnection from our innate spiritual energies, leaving us vulnerable to negative alien agendas.
The Reptilian Tail is an observation of alien implants located at the base of the coccyx, which serve to prevent the formation of a spinning merkaba field that draws in higher source fields from the higher soul and monadic planes. These implants block Kundalini activation and feed the lower negative ego mental body complex.
Negative extra-dimensional beings have been using Scalar Tagging on the 4D astral plane for quite some time. These tracking devices may appear as dark "jacks" or "confetti" around an individual's aura field. They are designed to monitor and track the location and coordinates of a particular star seed or indigo.
The Zeta Seal, located within the astral plane layers of the heart complex, blocks the activation of the 4th DNA strand, preventing access to the mentor fields in the 5th dimension. This seal serves as a blockade during the human soul's reincarnation process, keeping it under the control of the NAA.
Aging Disease Implant or Cell Death Programs are collective consciousness disease programs that activate negative labels for medical classification, leading to rapid aging and cellular death. These programs are kept alive in the mass consciousness to implement pharmaceutical and drug dependencies while shortening healthy life spans.
The 666 Implant or Templar Seal is a genetic block located in the 6D and 7D Monad and oversoul bodies, as well as the crown chakra. This seal keeps the human soul from ascending by reversing and draining life force from the earth and human body.
Metatronic Implants are negative forms that drain life force from the human and earth body. These implants must be cleared from the human light body to reconnect with the ascending potential of the twelfth dimensional template of the human body.
The Crucifixion Implants are tangible control structures placed in the 7th dimensional logos, impacting the left side of the body. These implants block higher self communication and are located in seven main areas, including the top of the skull, heart, left lung, pineal gland, left side of neck and lymphatics, rear left thigh and buttocks, and aorta artery on the left side of the neck.
The Crown of Thorns is an implant designed to distort the natural energetic circuitry of the crown and block higher self communication.
Glandular System Implants interfere with the path of Kundalini rising and impact the brain receivers and various glands in the body. This interference removes our ability to communicate with the entire planetary species and causes a loss of species memory and language.
Etheric Weapons include knives, cleavers, needles, and other objects found in the Light body or body parts. These weapons often leave residue imprints in the auric field and originate from warring events in the soul matrix and other timelines. They can create lower frequency disturbance and are used in conjunction with larger bio-neurological harnesses. In some cases, the person may have died in another timeline from these weapons. imposter spirits and the Negative Alien Agenda use etheric weapons as a form of dark force manipulation to inflict pain, distress, illness, or energy leaks upon lightworkers.
The Solar to Earth Chakra Implant interferes with the 11D buddhic layers and prevents 10D communication from the avatar self to the 12D field hub or earth-based chakra interface.
Splitter Tech is an AI encoding that runs as a mind control script, embedded in various forms of media. These scripts pass on the same coded information to another individual who resonates with that same frequency or information. It is commonly observed in highly intellectual individuals with dominating negative egos and little to no heart opening.
Holographic inserts represent a sophisticated form of architecture crafted by an extradimensional entity known as the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA). These inserts harness the spectrum of frequency to manipulate the refraction of light and sound within an inorganic state of existence. Inorganic states are artificially constructed by the NAA with the explicit aim of subverting and enslaving beings within their realm.
Examples of such inorganic refractions include ego filters, addiction webbing programs, mind control structures, alien implants, and etheric weapons. The NAA's ability to infiltrate the planet clandestinely, evading physical detection, stems from the superimposition of refracted light spectrums. This enables the controlling entity to create overlays of perception and identity, thereby facilitating alien mind control.
This subversion of the original identity results in the possession of a being's body and mind, rendering them subservient to an unnatural agenda that undermines the soul's integrity. Through the manipulation of identity and consciousness, the soul matrix becomes compromised, leading to a loss of organic connection to one's true self.
Negative alien entities have strategically implanted inorganic and artificial machinery throughout different layers of the lightbody, both on personal and planetary levels. They achieve this through the manipulation of frequency vibrations and the deployment of hidden militarized weaponry. Among these machinations are holographic Inserts, alien Implants, and battery bodies, which function as power source technology used for mind control and soul capture onto artificial timelines.
This array of machinery encompasses a spectrum ranging from rudimentary mechanical devices to highly sophisticated nanotechnology. Their primary purpose is to infiltrate, block, or siphon human organic bio-spiritual energy, thereby exerting control over individuals and manipulating the trajectory of their spiritual evolution.
The human energy field emits a distinct frequency akin to a barcode found on items in a retail store. This frequency serves as an identifier to external sources, signaling the presence of NAA implants and technology within the field, which can be manipulated by controlling entities.