Signed in as:
Signed in as:
The Light shield serves as a protective defence, preventing further intrusion and fortifying the energetic field against external energetic & spiritual threats. By clearing away unwanted energies, reinforcing security measures, and providing a defence against malevolent forces, this shield promotes holistic well-being and maintains the integrity of your energetic system.
Earthbound spirits, animal spirits, negative disincarnate spirits, imposter spirits, elemental spirits, soul fragments, possessed spirits & entities, egregores, collective mass, negative disincarnate spirits, clones,
Defence against demonic possession, energies, fallen angelic, demonic & alien watchers, succubus, incubus, collective mass, djinn, alien portals, doorways, vortex, dimension rifts, teleports, stargates, alien worlds & craft.
Blocking the entry & insertion of alien network, implants, holographic inserts, machinery, harvest technology, alien shields, programming, software, monitoring, coding, downloads, digital doubles, A.I integration, malware & spyware.
Clearing the binding cords of the black magic grids, pentagrams, magic seals, sigils, spell casting, evil, symbols, branding, inline & outline cords to the et entities, demonic entities, black houses, etheric weaponry, psychic connections to people, places & experiences, contracts, clearing your timeline past, present & future.
Defence against the strong frequencies of other people and their interference and matrix connections,
Against negative plant medicine spirit possession and other entities in these realms. inner world interference, uninvited sharman, magicians, energies, entities. demonic & spirit energies. The malevolent energies connected to the person preparing the medicine. This includes Peyote, San Pedro Cactus, DMT, Ayahuasca, Acacia, Bufo ( toad venom ) & mushrooms.
Defence against the infiltration of a variety of different dark forces, negative aliens, reptilians, greys, and other malevolent extra-terrestrial entities from manipulating or entering the physical body, chakra network and auric field.
Defence against scrambled negative frequencies, earth grids, black magic grid, planetary frequencies, distorted electromagnet ley lines, fields, static energy, miasma trauma, dead energy and other negative frequencies,
Defence against nano technology, smart dust, bio-sensors, that are within the body communicating with the AI brain network.
Removal of the brain artificial intelligence system network, hive net technologies, synthetic telepathic wormhole architecture, mind control, social media network & matrix coding and other AI technologies.
Defence against the negative consciousness of earth, the collective stream of mental thoughts and fear, created by humanity. Negative grid systems, planetary earth implants, inserts, alien harvest machinery & other technology.
As part of my commitment to your well-being, I conduct daily monitoring of your light shield to detect any unwanted frequencies, external collective shifts, or planetary interferences affecting your energy field. Clearing demonic energies, malevolent entities, spirits, or soul fragments that may be encroaching upon the perimeter of the light shield. This proactive approach ensures that your energetic space remains cleansed, protected, and harmonised, allowing you to thrive on your spiritual journey with peace of mind and clarity.
If you're experiencing any symptoms of spiritual interference or unsure of at any time, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here to support you via text message, messenger, whatsapp or email between
8AM and 6 PM. If your message arrives late in the evening or I'm busy,
I'll reply as soon as possible the following day.
Your well-being is my priority.
With love and light,
Aliens, Malevolent Cosmic beings, Dark ET's
The Negative aliens including Reptilians, Greys, and other malevolent extra-terrestrial entities, exploit planet Earth, its inhabitants, and all living beings as a source of energy and power. They manipulate demons and dark entities to in still fear and exert control over the world, thereby generating the energy necessary to sustain their existence.
Alien Implants
Implants are artificial devices employed for various nefarious purposes, including mind control, tracking, monitoring, and social manipulation. They inflict emotional and mental disturbances, seize control over thought processes, behaviours, and emotions by assaulting the brain and nervous system. These insidious devices erect energy blocks that pave the path to physical ailments and spiritual maladies across multiple dimensions of existence. By emitting frequency patterns that dampen the vibration of the energy field, implants hinder spiritual ascension and exert dominance over lightworkers, impeding their journey towards enlightenment and higher consciousness. I have added some of the different types to give you an idea of impact that they have on the natural ascension flow and healing.
Alien, ET Shield
The NAA shield, orchestrated by malevolent entities, can encase your energy field, functioning as a formidable barrier against positivity and well-being. When targeted by this shield, you may experience profound discomfort and distress, as its malevolent energy seeks to disrupt your inner harmony and peace. The alien shield is a malware download that can be software, or an implant.
Alien Machinery & Technology
The shield has been adjusted to fortify defence against negative planetary frequencies emanating from various sources such as reversal grids, ET networks, energy harvesting mechanisms, counterfeit portals, stargates, fabricated timelines, technological apparatus, and projected holographic implants. It also guards against NAA energy grids, black magic grids, the phantom grid, the static NET, and other architectural constructs that siphon life force energy.
Astral Bots They lock onto the coordinates of a person that has been tracked or tagged to monitor their location. They can be felt in around the crown or blurred vision. They will come into the field external to the shield.
Black Magicians
Black magic involves manipulating consciousness technology and forces with the intention of serving one's negative ego and personal gain, without consideration for the consequences or consent of others. It can take on various forms, such as performing rituals or curses, using deception and manipulation, practicing blood sacrifice, conjuring elementals or demons, stealing life force through succubus activities or alien implants, and engaging in non-consensual sexual acts. Anyone who practices black magic can be considered a black magician, and they exist in all realms and dimensions. Christ lightworkers often encounter black magicians on the astral plane, where they use etheric weapons, curses, and implants to harm others.
Caduceus Network
Is powered by a 7D Violet Ray current that operates on a reverse flow. This network is associated with the snake symbolism used in the chakra system to describe human energy. The alien machinery producing this flow is programmed to create the demon seed within the shadow body of humanity.
The Caduceus geometry is used to tether the human lightbody to the reverse systems that are connected back to the black star Abaddon via the 7D Crucifixion Implants and related networks. As a result, it is used to introduce Qlippoth currents from the Black Tree of Life architecture, which systematically displaces the organic architecture of the 12 Tree Grid. Through the Caduceus network, false memory earth timelines and artificial machinery are installed.
Removal of dark ET & reptilian energetic clones that have been created to replica your energy field when your energy has been stolen by them.
Curses, hexes, symbols
Many people are unaware of the existence of curses, hexes, and other negative forces due to their lack of knowledge about the laws of energetic vibration. These phenomena are a type of black magic intended to cause harm and chaos to a person, place, or thing, usually performed in ritual settings.
Demons/Dark Energy Beings
Demons are made of compressed dark souls or whole non-human dark beings. They are tasked by the dark forces to manipulation humanity, cause fear, misery, pain, chaos to dis-empower the masses in their battle against love & light. There are many classes & species of demonic energies that are removed include demonic shape-shifters, lesser demons, giant demons, master demons, fallen angelic, succubus, incubus, golum, mogul, collective mass, negative earth energies, land energies, energy grid elementals, watchers, djinn all possess a negative dark power and energy. Demonic energies can make you feel very anger and rage.
Dark Portals
Dark portals are energetic doorways from this dimension into the dark force dimension that can be created in peoples energy field, on the land, homes , places & objects. The dark energies use them to jump in, and out of the lower densities, dimensions and realms,
Dark Spirit Entities They are in dark souls who became aligned with the dark forces after their physical death. They work together with demons and other dark entities to steal parts of people's power, soul, and create bigger openings and holes in people's energy field so they can pick up more entity attachments.
A Digital Twin
Is an exact replica or clone that represents an individual's personality matrix projected into another dimensional plane, typically within the Phantom Matrix. The NAA uses the Digital Twin as a mind control weapon to overlay onto the Lightbody, aiming to subvert the individual's organic consciousness. This Digital Twin often appears to be an evil counterpart but is actually a holographic insert used to abuse the inner spiritual Christos within organic human beings.
Djinn The djinn were here before the human race and said to by created by Allah (mentioned in the Qur'an) 1-2 thousand years before humans appeared here on earth. They are able possess humans and appear in human and animal forms. The shield will return them to their spirit form and remove from the energy field.
Doorways, Portal or Timeline Windows
These are opens in the energy field, mind & body that have been created through fear, anger, drugs, pornography, sex, trauma, loss, power for money alcohol, medications, surgeries, dark power, stealing other people's power, soul, religious fanaticism, some forms of channelling, The shield will close, remove and restore the lower vibrational energetic openings created by the intrusion.
Your light shield will block extremely low frequencies, AI electronic harassment, stop the hacking of your bio field & unwanted negative downloads, distortion frequency patterns that are infiltrating the light body from the earth and planets to stop the passage of ascension.
Earthbound Spirits & Soul Fragments
Are entities of human souls who at the time of death either refused to cross over to the next world or have chosen to stay on the earth plane. These earth bound spirits are drawn to the energy of living humans that share similar interests, feel safe and they can live live through them. There are negative spirits that can pose as a spiritual guides.
Ego Filters
Are mind control structures, often used with alien implants, are embedded into our physical elemental bodies. This embedding distorts the functioning of the individual’s mental body, affecting the control and awareness of our physical, spiritual, and energetic bodies. The collective mental body and its individual ego filters hinder our ability to connect with higher spiritual and energetic intelligences. I have found that by removing these ego filters and clearing the Negative ego mind this will reduce the levels of negative thoughts, anxiety and stress that comes in at the lower chakra's.
Electro Magnetic Emissions
The energy field of a human creates a unique frequency like a bar code similar to a bar code on an item that is for sale in a retail store. The barcode frequency also identifies Negative Alien Agenda implants and technology.
Energy Vampires
The shield is a protection force field that stop people, dark forces and demons from absorb and pulling your energy out of your aura / energy field.
Extremely Low Magnetic Frequencies
The human body acts as both a crystal oscillator and frequency resonator, unconsciously absorbing various ELF's and Radio Waves based on the frequency and state of consciousness they are tuned into. It is therefore important to comprehend the electromagnetic wave spectrum and the consequences of exposure to ELF's and radio frequencies. The light shield serves as a protective defence measure against electronic harassment and manipulation of the subconscious mind. It will help to block and dispel negative ego and unconscious thoughts that target the energy field. This will help to promote positive thinking, raise your frequency, and decrease mind control transmissions.
Fallen Angels
Fallen angels are a special type of angelic being that chose to stay earthbound and separate themselves from the rest of the angelic realm. Fallen angels became aligned with the dark forces agenda on earth and worked side by side with them to help them in their work with the human race.
False White Light
False white light current that creates an intricate webbing with many alien implants and bio-neurological mind control technology used to suppress the consciousness of humanity and stop the ascension process. Connection to the comfort implants
Is a component of the Beast Machine that maintains the Earth's tilt at an unnatural and artificially sustained angle of 23.5 degrees. The Gravitron vortex networks, designed to link portals in the Sun and Earth, have twisted the planet's blueprint into unnatural configurations known as Demon Seed.The Metatronic Reversals have harnessed the Gravitron to generate an artificial gravitational field on Earth. The Gravitron is part of a larger electromagnetic harnessing structure known as the NET, both of which are Black Hole technologies that the NAA purposefully orchestrated to imprison the planet. In essence, the Gravitron is an electromagnetic harness field that serves to keep Earth in a state of imprisonment through the manipulation of gravitational forces.
EBE - Extra-terrestrial biological / spiritual entities Type 1: They exist in between the physical world of earth and the non physical. They extract our energy to help them to stay close to our lower density. They are responsible for downloading the religion concepts into the minds of humans that limit the understanding of the afterlife and where the soul goes. This gives Gray's the opportunity to capture those souls. They do not come here in flying machines. They have the ability to influence the human mental field and travel outside of our linear time track. page
Golden Eagle Grid
Is a multidimensional planetary grid network that contains the spiritual bloodline records of angelic Seraphim genetic lines. The Family of Michael, and those with avian genetics and Seraphim memories, connect to this grid. Grailkeepers, soul groups committed to protecting the earth, are connected to the Maji Grail lines and the Rod of the Earth. The Golden Eagle Grid holds an important global control access, the Iran Gate or the 10th dimensional Stargate, which is heavily targeted by the NAA to maintain control over the Artificial Tree of Life projections. The area of the Iran Gate contains alien machinery, such as the Anubian Black Heart and the Reversal 55 Grid, that produces artificial or inorganic timelines based on Fibonacci sequence and thwarts the progression of the earth and humanity's ascension. The False Archangel Michael channeling is broadcast from this location to manipulate the New Age movement.
Hacking the Bio- Field & CNS
The structure of our nervous system, known as the neural net, communicates complex patterns related to memory storage, bodily functions, body parts, and consciousness to the brain. Through interconnecting neurons along a neural pathway, data and memories are stored in our brain's neural net. However, the Negative Alien Agenda utilises AI machinery and implants to create artificial neural networks that hijack our biology and CNS, taking control over both our individual neural nets. Symptoms of magnetic shifts impacting our neural net include radical changes in perception and thinking. By shedding fear and tuning out AI signals, The light shield will block the negative frequencies that block off our ability to activate our neural net's natural function of receiving multidimensional frequencies in other timelines, return memories and awareness to us, enabling us to receive higher frequency multidimensional broadcasts.
Holographic Inserts
Is a false or real memory that is programmed upon our consciousness just in our future timeline for mind control purposes & DNA genetic manipulation. They can be used to speed up, fracture, separate and or disconnect the layers of the light body to stop the integration of your future aspects and create dark portals, to bend time and space to manipulate timelines. The shield will restore the layers of the light body, clearing portals remove interference.
Light Body Network
Checking the light body for corrupt fire codes, interference of the DNA layers, negative frequency distorted that effects the field. Clearing the etheric, emotional, mental, astral, archetypal, angelic, ketheric, monadic, keriatric, christiac, buddhaic,and nirvanic bodies layers of the light body network.
Lunar Matrix
Removal of the anti-female programming & NAA network that interferes with the energy field that is used to block the path to the energies of the Moon.
Malevolent ET Alien Beings, Cosmic negative
There are many different types of malevolent beings who use the planet earth, humans, and all of the earth's inhabitants as an energy source, and form of power. They use demons and dark entities to create dark fear control in the world that will produce the energy source required to sustain them. This will include draconian and many different types of reptilians and their clones, grey's, winged serpents, djinn, witches, vampires & other dimensional beings.
Metatronic Reversal Networks
The basis of the Metatronic code is a reversal of the eternal life three spheres, or Trinity Wave, and instead relies on two spheres of Bi-Wave Influences derived from the Vesica Pisces. This Metatronic Reversal deviates from the original Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid and leads to the manifestation of Anti-Christ life forms.
Any alteration or modification of the Krystal Code from God Source interrupts the ability to self-regenerate and ascend, resulting in Fallen Consciousness and potential destruction. The modification of the Krystal Code limits the supply of energy in the Lightbody and prevents the circulation or reception of energy directly from the eternal God Source. The shield blocks out the phantom matrix, false parent beast machine, Anubian black reversal networks. The Jehovian Dove Grid that sends out an inverted 7D Violet Ray current across our planet's grid system & the crown of thorns holographic implants.
Mind Locks
The corruption of the physical body goes hand in hand with the corruption of the physical mind. The ego filters, physical elements constructed from the human body's structures, play a key role in this process. Located on the coccyx (often referred to as the reptilian tail), these filters are not organic to humanity. They are designed to prevent spiritual body activation, feed energy reversals, and operate as reptilian mind control projections, effectively "mind locking" the body.
These structures allow the human body to be controlled by the mind, which follows, leads, and directs it as a perceived identity. This "ego mind identity" is a by product of reptilian creation. The ultimate goal was to infiltrate control over the physical body, mind, and, eventually, the human soul and its power source by creating a false holographic insert version of the "subconscious mind" to be controlled by the reptilians through basic bodily functions.
Controlling the body enables the control of the soul's direction and location, moving it as needed to serve their purposes. By controlling the mind and personality connected to a human body, parasitic entities can exploit a weakened body and fragile mind to achieve their goal of controlling the energies and direction of the soul.
Monad Interference
The Spirit Body of the Monad is the higher mind principle consciousness that makes neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences when in control of the body's nervous system, leading to the evolution of consciousness. It enters at conception through the Permanent Seed Atom in the heart complex, but unresolved Soul trauma can block its evolution. The Monad starts connecting at the 8th chakra level, changing the Heart complex to a Blue Aqua Heart and igniting the Amoraea Flame, resulting in a Living Crystal Lotus or Crystal Rose Heart.
The Star Merkaba Body
comprises two spirals of consciousness energy that rotate in opposite directions and work together to create a balanced, strong light body capable of mastering matter, including teleportation, time travel, and de-manifestation. These spirals are part of the Merkaba fields, which sustain the energy that constructs the entire light body. Each gender has its own set of electromagnetic spirals, and they generate an imprint of DNA and RNA. The DNA represents the masculine principle, while the RNA represents the feminine principle.
It is vital that these two communicate in harmony to project the light body hologram, which organizes the consciousness energy into an auric field. The Avatar Christos intelligence determines the Gender Fin orientation of the merkaba spiral, which affects the alignment of gender polarity in every dimension. The Gender Fin is the node where energy currents conduct and distribute throughout the lightbody shield, and is represented by the bottom and top triangles of the Six Pointed Merkaba Star.
The light shield blocks the negative distortion & frequencies interrupting the transmission on from the merkaba fields to the light body. In doing so it will correct mathematical pattern and the ratios that have been interfered with by negative alien agenda, allowing for unity and atonement with the universal light.
Monadic Bio-Computer
The blueprint for the primary gender centres is situated in the 2D layers. When these centres get activated to eliminate corrupt elementals or rectify gender equilibrium (specifically the Rod and Staff), plasma flames erupt from the feet, ankles, calves, and knees. Typically, this process persists and stimulates the flame access points of the complete Lotus Point sets in the Monadic Bio-Computer layer. As a result, a sequence of detoxification symptoms may follow as the consciousness body strives to reduce density.
Monadic Reversal
The Metatronic Reversal is an architecture system designed to divert consciousness away from the original Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid, and create a closed source system for Anti-Christ life forms. The Metatronic Reversals causes intense distortion patterns and reverses energy currents, resulting in the separation of the Monadic Bodies throughout our universal system. This process also causes a division in the layers of the mental body, leading to fragmentation and the proliferation of disease and miasma. To maintain this separation, a system of bipolar geometric structures is employed, creating a closed loop that siphons energy and creates frequency barriers. This structure can also be found in the Golden Eagle Network, impacting the functioning of the human brain and mental body. The Monadic staff disintegrate and fragment, preventing the integration of spiritual bodies into the physical body identity. The use of a light shield can protect against negative energy patterns entering the energy field.
NAA Technology
Removal of all negative alien agenda (NAA) within and around the light body that is inactive and active, implants, holograms, holographic inserts, slides, demon seed, light body power batteries, software, anti-HG Technology, programming, downloads & coding.
Nadial Complex Panel
Clearing NAA interference from the bio-human circuitry board control panel, located at the back of the 4th chakra in the heart complex on the upper level of the spinal cord. Removing NAA programming, holographic inserts, Implants, downloads & coding.
Nadial System
The term "Nadial System" encompasses various components including the complete Nadial Complex, Nadial Plexus, the Nadial Body, and the Nadis Capsule. It represents the collective system of the etheric blueprint body that encloses the Soul matrix. This system plays a vital role in the functioning of our physical body's Central Nervous System, facilitating communication between various parts and relaying important messages to the Brain. The nadial System is the etheric blueprint of the soul matrix which is responsible for our physical bodies central nervous system functioning and its messaging to the brain. The shield will energetically upgrade the nadial system to correct the vertical centre channels of the neurological system & spinal cord to receive the communication from the higher spiritual layers of the soul & function at higher levels.
Neural Net
Refers to either a biological brain neural network or an artificial neural network created by computers. In biology, neural networks are interconnected neurons that communicate with the brain to store memories and manage bodily functions and consciousness. These networks involve neurons connected through axons, dendrites, and synapses. When input signals exceed a threshold, neurons send action potentials along their axons. Memories are represented by activation patterns among neuron networks, but how these patterns form and reach consciousness is not fully understood. Human intelligence is attributed to the complex dynamics of neural networks, making their study and modeling a topic of significant interest. One key property of neural networks is their ability to learn complex patterns.
Neural Pathways
The light shield is a spiritual tool that taps into the power of light energy to heal the neural pathways of the brain. It relieves stress and anxiety by promoting a sense of tranquillity and peace and reduces the accumulation of negative energy, allowing the neural pathways to remain receptive to positive and healing energies. The light shield also encourages introspection and self-reflection, fostering personal growth and self-awareness. To benefit from the light shield, a sacred and distraction-free space must be created, coupled with meditation or mindfulness practices to amplify its effects. The light shield is a profound method of healing that taps into the spiritual realm to bring forth transformative effects on our neural pathways. By harnessing the power of light energy, this spiritual tool works in synergy with the intricate workings of the brain, offering relief from stress, anxiety, and promoting overall emotional well-being.
The Black Artificial Tree of Life
Metatronic Reversals are connected to the metatronic implants that are found in the negative form or shadow body, which serve to drain life force from both the earth and human bodies. Clearing and blocking the Negative Form from the Lightbody is crucial to restore the potential for ascension to the twelfth dimensional human body template. The NAA utilized alien machinery and artificial Intelligence to construct this abnormal configuration in order to siphon the earth's life force for immortality. This Dead Energy hierarchy is known as the Black Tree of Life or Tree of Artificial Life.
Nadial Complex
Is a control panel can be found at the rear of the 4th Chakra in the Heart Complex, situated on the upper level of the spinal cord. It serves as the "Circuitry Board Control Panel" for the physical body. Its primary function is to direct the Neurological Messaging System, which carries signals to and from the Central Nervous System and the Brain. The Nadial System, which mirrors the blueprint of the physical body's Central Nervous System, receives its instructions from the 4D Astral Plane Layers.
This specific area can be repaired and restored when it receives spiritually abusive messages from the Alien Machinery and the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) software, such as the NRG, Sexual Misery, Victim-Victimizer, and the Armageddon Software. These forms of machinery are known as Alien Implants, and they manipulate the Nadial Complex by introducing inorganic or detrimental messages that activate programs within the Central Nervous System and brain.
To gain access to the Lightbody and physical layers, this harmful messaging infiltrates through implants inserted in the Gallbladder Meridian. These implants then utilize the Nadial Complex to penetrate deeper into the energetic layers of the Inner Aura.
Nadial Structure
Is a CNS (Central Nervous System) Blueprint that shapes the template of higher dimensional consciousness within the human body. It is a complex system of energy and communication pathways that form an intricate network throughout the body, enabling multiple levels of information exchange.
The CNS Blueprint is considered to be the foundational structure of the human body responsible for creating and maintaining the physical, emotional, and mental health of an individual. It is regarded as a multi-dimensional system that operates beyond the boundaries of our physical body. At a deeper level, the Nadial Structure serves as a portal for spiritual levels of consciousness to penetrate the human body and activate higher states of awareness. It forms an essential link between the physical body and subtle energy fields, often called the Universal Life Force or Prana.
The structure is composed of a series of atria and ventricles, resembling a network of highways. These pathways transport vital information and nutrients throughout the body and coordinate the functions of multiple systems simultaneously.
The structure enables an individual to experience a higher sense of consciousness, tapping into the vastness of the universe and connecting them to their true self. This structure helps individuals to awaken their dormant spiritual energy, allowing them to experience a more profound sense of inner peace, emotional balance, and spiritual growth.
Negative Disincarnates
Individuals who leave their physical bodies without developing qualities based on love and compassion, or haven't established a connection with their spiritual essence, or lived a selfish and materialistic life, are typically subjected to the influence of Negative Disincarnates or Fallen Angelics, after death. Higher level negative energies control the lower level energies, creating a Consciousness Trap that prepares the individuals to become servants in the afterlife. Many of these disincarnates are unaware of being controlled by dark forces, either during their lifetime or after death, and are destined to serve them in the phantom realm.
Negative Sexual Energy
Clearing the descending negative sexual fire force (serpent fire) that is triggered by the reptilian tail implant inserted at the coccyx, the tailbone at the base of the spine.
NET Static Field
Which is anchored into the earths crystal grid. The negative scalar sonic pulses form an electrostatic force field around the earth. The NET is stopping incoming and outgoing signals, in particular to the higher dimensions it blankets the civilization, isolating it from its natural connections to its inner consciousness and spiritual levels. We are all feeling the effects of the NET in one way or another!
Clusters of entities in the energy field.
The energetic parasites are a by product of alien implants that will eventually manifest and turn into a variety of physical parasites that weaken the human body.
Pineal Cage
These are negative alien technology that has been placed in the centre of the brain through to disconnect the silver cord which connects to the "Three fold Founder Flame" as well as prevent pineal gland stimulation to activate the frequency required for Kundalini activation.
There are many people who are unaware of the fact that they are carrying dead energy, negative alien Implants, and displaced entities. They may also be suffering from Soul Fragmentation and/or being mind controlled, which limits their ability to expand their consciousness. This is a form of enslavement without their consent. If left unchecked, this can result in destructive patterns that affect both themselves and others, leading to low self-esteem, phobias, fears, addictions and layers of astral debris, displaced entities, and miasma- sometimes resulting even in full demonic possession. Possession does not necessarily entail levitation or demonic behaviour, but rather manifests as a significant increase in suffering and pain until it is cleared from one's person.
Within the Kabbalah's Sephirothic spheres, is a Negative Form shell and Imposter Spirit hierarchy. It embodies the dark forces and is responsible for distributing work amongst itself. This structure receives its power from the black suns, which in turn receives its animating force through miasma. Moreover, it acts as a generator for the same dead energy force via closed source feedback loops. These are the dead light forces that are manifest in the shadow self and spiritual-energetic qualities that are integrated into the Alien Machinery's Artificial intelligence.
Reversal Grid, Networks & Energy Harvest
ET Implants are inserted in to your energy field that send out a frequency to connect you to a nearby ET energy grid. The reversal networks send out an energetic current that forms a reversal pattern an anti-life pattern that blocks & then disconnects off the organic supply of eternal energy into your spiritual body. The harvest process will collect spiritual energy, emotional, trauma, stress, fear, pain and suffering that is experienced and has been recorded in the body, mind and soul.
Sacred Crystal Heart
It is the most important organ system that holds the feelings and language that communicates directly with the God Source. It is our spiritual guidance system that receives and transmit the omnidirectional forces of love, and through which the inner wisdom of cellular knowing arises. It gives us the gift of experiencing unconditional love, peace. compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and generosity towards others. sacred crystal heart has been blocked off by the NAA to stop the connection the God source and our spiritual guidance system of higher perception.
Scaler Tagging
Are implants that are placed in your energy field by negative aliens to track and monitor your history of evolution for example Lemurian Tags, Atlantian Tags, Egyptian Tags, Drakon Tags, Orion War Tags,
Sexual Misery Software
Used to shut down the soul connection, heart connection and systematically splinters the layers of the mental bodies. Mind control technology that has been artificially created to control, deceive, separate, confuse causing the soul to fragment, leaving the body open to control or possession.
Shields & Nets
Negative alien forces use shields and nets to surround the energy field that will interfere with the soul matrix and block off the ascension process.
Sleep Paralysis
If you are experiencing paralysis in the body, night terrors, fear, drained energy, extremely tired it may be from entity attachments in the energy field. The Light shield will remove all entity attachments and repair and restore the field as required.
Is a system of tiny microelectromechanical systems, including sensors and robots, that detect light, vibration, magnetism, temperature, and chemicals. Operated via wireless signals, Smartdust feeds sensor data into AI computer networks for various tasks. Neural Dust, a subset, features wirelessly powered nerve sensors that transmit data to brain-computer interfaces for synthetic telepathy applications. It can activate nerve impulses, interfering with natural cell communication by transmitting artificial signals into the electromagnetic field, which disrupts healthy cellular function and may contribute to diseases like cancer. Nanotech biosensors, used in vaccines, pharmaceuticals, sprays, and food, can cross cell membranes and accumulate in organs, but there is little research on their environmental impact.
Software - Alien
There are over 150 negative alien programs that are unknowingly downloaded into the bi human computer of the energy field. Programs that are manipulating every aspect of our lives with mind control. This affects the nervous system, physical & mental health, religious views, sexuality and motivation, social aspects of our life and so much more. Our true potential as human beings is blocked off.
Solar to Earth Chakra Implant -
Will cause energy blocks in the crown to feet connection in vertical channel.
SPE - Suppressed Artificial Intelligence
Pods that form tentacles attaching themselves to the spinal cord and spinal nerves, temporal areas of the skull, either left or right side of the cranium, above the ears. They may throb or pulsate affecting the etheric vision as "crabgrass", shadow looking spiders or as an octopus/jellyfish with tentacles. They become more pronounced when they are being energetically "fed" by mind control, looping thoughts within the mental body.
Splitter Technology 2D/4D
A barrier is placed in the nadial complex panel that separates the astral body/heart chakra from merging with the 3D layers of the solar plexus mental body. This subjects the person to be limited to lower astral energies and lower astral traveling, especially during the sleep state. This blocks the lower bodies communication with the elemental kingdoms, making it very hard for the person to feel “body consciousness” or to perceive communication with the sentient beings in nature or elemental kingdom.
Spirit Attachments, Entities
I remove earthbound spirits, animal spirits, negative disincarnate spirits, imposter spirits, elemental spirits, soul fragments, cords, et tentacles, collective mass, negative disincarnate spirits, clones, ancestor spirts, servient ancestor spirits that have come in to close to the field.
The stargates in our energy field that we use to visit the cosmic and galactic planes. at Clearing dial up connections to negative destinations, teleports, wormholes and stargates, the doorways from one dimension/realm to another. I will clear the old stargate dial up connections to negative destinations & remove portals, teleports, wormholes and et stargates.
Stolen Soul Parts
The frequency of the light shield will retrieve stolen energy back into the aura to restore balance and harmony.
Your timeline in this life time can be accessed at any point in the past, present & future. The shield will remove the cause and affect of all negative entities / beings, access points, wormholes, doorways, overlays, fake timelines, portals, dimension rifts, black holes, connections to people & places, body, soul & spirit. The shield extends into all of your timelines. I check this daily.
Trinity Wave
Is a God source code that is accessed through the merging of masculine and feminine polarity energies within us. Negative alien technology has been inserted into the bi-human field to suppress and split apart the gender polarity. This has blocked off our connect to the God Source through the sacred male and female union, our divine birth right to return to our species during ascension.