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The Light Shield is a powerful tool for spiritual healing, designed to repair, restore, and recalibrate the lightbody and auric field. After your energy clearing of your Light Shield journey, you will enter a transformative phase focused on healing complex energy blockages and restoring various components of your energy system. This process addresses imbalances within the aura and chakra network, revitalising life force energy and replenishing depleted reserves. By aligning energetic pathways and restoring inner equilibrium, the Light Shield facilitates the release of negative mental thought patterns, anxiety, stress, and emotional trauma from the body. This holistic healing approach not only enhances overall well-being but also deepens your connection to your true self and spiritual essence. You may experience physical, emotional & mental shifts, as your energy body adjusts to your the higher frequency. These symptoms are temporary and indicate that you are going through a deep spiritual healing over the next 2 weeks.
The Lightbody, also known as the human energy field or Aura, projects our consciousness through a holographic template, generating the physical manifestations we experience in material reality. This structure comprises multiple layers of electromagnetic frequencies, including light and sound waves, which form the consciousness intelligence identities operating in each dimensional layer of the Universal Time Matrix. The Lightbody holds our consciousness records and identities across time, maintaining the living light code of our blueprint structure and our connection to the higher self, the universal consciousness or Source.
There are three main levels of the Lightbody:
Level 1 - 12 Tree Grid and Horizontal Triad Bodies:
These are the foundational structures that organize our energy and consciousness.
Level 2 - Chakra Crystal Keys, Axiatonal Lines, Hara, and Nadial Structure:
This level involves the intricate networks and pathways that facilitate the flow of energy and communication throughout our energetic and physical bodies.
Level 3 - Chakra System:
This system includes the major energy centres in the body, responsible for regulating and distributing energy throughout our being.
The human Lightbody or Aura consists of multiple interconnected layers of electromagnetic energy fields that envelop the physical body, acting as an energy shield. Through practices like meditation and 12D Shielding, we can focus on strengthening, protecting, and growing our personal consciousness body. The Lightbody is essential for housing the electromagnetic energies of the Soul-Spirit bodies and linking them to the physical body. The Nadial Structure, part of the spiritual body, functions as a network of energetic receivers and transmitters, facilitating communication between the Soul-Spirit and the Central Nervous System (CNS). This communication helps create new neural pathways in the brain, aligning the spiritual and physical aspects of our being, and expanding the energetic aura that projects from the body.
The quality and vibrancy of a person's energy aura reflect their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. A bright and expansive aura indicates coherence, balance, and a well-functioning nervous system and brain. In contrast, a small, cloudy aura can signal blockages and imbalances, potentially leading to mental and physical dysfunctions.
The human body, Earth body, and DNA all have crystalline properties, particularly the silicate matrix DNA template, the original human crystalline blueprint. This template has been overridden by the light shield is activated by love-coded hydro plasmic light, or liquid crystals. The human energy field is composed of oscillating energy centres nested within a multidimensional blueprint of interacting crystal structures. These structures, including organs, glands, and the skeletal system, exhibit piezoelectric properties, making the bones the primary solid crystal in the body that transduces frequencies.
To maintain energetic balance and health, it is crucial to circulate sufficient life force energy through our crystalline structures. Understanding that we are crystalline beings who conduct energy helps us navigate the energetic impacts of our environment. Just like crystals, humans can amplify, absorb, store, and transmit various vibrational energies, influencing our overall health and well-being.
During spiritual healing with the Light Shield, the symptom of energy alignment often manifests as a feeling of being more centred and balanced. This can be experienced as a subtle yet profound shift, where one feels more in tune with their inner self and surroundings. As the Light Shield works to clear blockages and harmonize the energy field, individuals may notice a greater sense of coherence and flow within their body and mind. This alignment can bring about a deep sense of calm, clarity, and focus, as the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of one's being come into greater harmony. Additionally, this alignment may enhance intuitive abilities and create a stronger connection to higher guidance, supporting a more integrated and fulfilling spiritual experience.
The symptom of tingling, warmth, or pressure experienced during spiritual healing with the Light Shield is often a sign of energy movement and clearing. These sensations can occur in specific areas, such as around the chakras or in parts of the body where energy blockages are being released. Tingling may feel like a gentle vibration, warmth can be soothing and comforting, and pressure might be felt as a subtle weight or intensity. These experiences indicate that the Light Shield is actively working to clear stagnant energies, open blocked channels, and restore energetic flow. While these sensations may vary in intensity and duration, they are typically a positive sign of healing and alignment within the energy system.
During spiritual healing with the Light Shield, sensations at the crown of the head are common and often signify an opening or activation of the crown chakra. These sensations can include tingling, buzzing, or a feeling of lightness or expansion at the top of the head. Such experiences suggest an increased flow of spiritual energy and heightened connection to higher consciousness or divine guidance. The crown sensations indicate the clearing of blockages and the integration of higher vibrational frequencies into the energy field. This process can lead to enhanced spiritual awareness, deeper insights, and a greater sense of connection with the universe or one's higher self.
Spiritual healing with the Light Shield can initiate a detoxification process, manifesting as physical and emotional symptoms. This detoxification may include physical signs such as headaches, fatigue, digestive changes, or flu-like symptoms as the body releases toxins and old energies. Emotionally, individuals might experience the resurfacing of unresolved feelings like sadness, anger, or anxiety, which are being purged from the system. These detox symptoms are part of the Light Shield's process of clearing away stagnant energies and blockages, allowing for the renewal and alignment of the energy field. While this phase can be challenging, it ultimately leads to a deeper sense of clarity, vitality, and spiritual well-being as the body and mind are cleansed and revitalized.
Spiritual healing with the Light Shield can bring about various emotional symptoms as the healing process unfolds. Individuals may experience an emotional detox, where deep-seated emotions like grief, anger, or fear come to the surface for release. This can lead to moments of vulnerability, tearfulness, or mood swings. Additionally, there may be a sense of confusion or introspection as old emotional patterns and traumas are processed and cleared. Despite these temporary discomforts, the process ultimately fosters emotional resilience, clarity, and a renewed sense of inner peace and balance. The Light Shield aids in transmuting these energies, allowing for the emergence of positive emotions such as joy, love, and compassion.
Experiencing light headedness during spiritual healing with the Light Shield is a common symptom, often indicating shifts in energy and consciousness. This sensation may arise as the energy field is cleared and recalibrated, leading to a temporary feeling of disorientation or dizziness. Lightheadedness can occur when the body adjusts to the influx of higher vibrational energies or as blockages are released, altering the flow of energy through the chakras and meridians. While this symptom can be unsettling, it usually signals positive changes, such as increased spiritual awareness and alignment with one's higher self. To mitigate these effects, grounding practices such as deep breathing or spending time in nature can help stabilize the energy field and ease the transition.
Lower back pain during spiritual healing with the Light Shield can often arise as a result of energetic shifts and releases. This discomfort may occur as stagnant or blocked energies in the lower chakras, particularly the root and sacral chakras, are being cleared and realigned. The lower back is closely linked to issues of stability, security, and emotional well-being, so pain in this area might reflect the process of releasing old traumas or unresolved emotional patterns. While the sensation can be uncomfortable, it typically signals that deep-seated energies are being addressed, leading to greater healing and balance. Engaging in gentle stretching, grounding exercises, or supportive self-care practices can help alleviate this discomfort and support the healing process.
I want to remind you that self-care is an essential part of your journey. Just like any other aspect of life, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water, nurturing yourself, and allowing time for rest are crucial for maintaining balance and harmony. Listen to your body and prioritize self-nurturing activities throughout your spiritual evolution. As you embark on Light Shield spiritual healing, it’s important to integrate a healthy diet, hydration, regular exercise, and adequate rest to nourish and energize your body. Spending time in nature, practicing meditation, and fostering positive thinking will enhance mental clarity and emotional resilience. These holistic practices support and amplify the Light Shield's ability to repair, restore, and rebalance your energy field, leading to a more harmonious and vibrant life.
A healthy diet plays a pivotal role in supporting spiritual healing, nourishing the body and soul with vital energy. Consuming whole, nutrient-rich foods enhances physical health, providing the stamina needed for deep spiritual work. Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains help cleanse the body of toxins, creating a clearer, more receptive state for spiritual insights. Hydration and mindful eating practices further promote mental clarity and emotional balance. By embracing a healthy diet, you create a foundation of physical well-being that supports and amplifies your spiritual healing journey, fostering a profound sense of harmony and alignment.
Exercise is a powerful ally during spiritual healing, serving as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Engaging in regular physical activity helps to release stored tension and stress, promoting a sense of freedom and vitality. It also enhances circulation and energy flow, which are crucial for both physical detoxification and spiritual cleansing. Mindful exercises such as yoga, tai chi, and walking in nature can deepen your connection to the present moment, fostering inner peace and awareness. By integrating exercise into your spiritual healing journey, you support holistic well-being, enabling the body to be a strong and harmonious vessel for spiritual transformation.
During spiritual healing, rest and sleep are essential components that nurture the body, mind, and soul. This restorative period allows the body to recover and integrate the profound changes occurring on a spiritual level. Quality sleep supports emotional balance, clarity, and resilience, enhancing the healing process. Resting in a serene environment can also deepen meditation and reflection, promoting a sense of peace and connection with one's inner self. Embracing rest and sleep as vital practices during spiritual healing not only accelerates recovery but also fosters a harmonious alignment of spirit and well-being.
Being in nature is profoundly restorative during spiritual healing, offering a sanctuary for reflection and renewal. The natural world provides a tranquil backdrop that calms the mind and opens the heart, making it easier to connect with your inner self and the greater universe. The fresh air, greenery, and soothing sounds of nature help to reduce stress and promote a sense of peace. Walking barefoot on the earth, feeling the sun's warmth, or listening to the rustle of leaves can ground you, enhancing your spiritual connection and overall well-being. Immersing yourself in nature during spiritual healing fosters a deeper sense of harmony, balance, and rejuvenation.
Positive thinking is a vital component of spiritual healing, shaping your mindset and influencing your journey toward wholeness. By focusing on uplifting thoughts and affirmations, you cultivate a resilient and hopeful attitude that can transform challenges into opportunities for growth. Positive thinking helps to dispel negative energies, replacing them with light and optimism, which supports emotional healing and spiritual clarity. Embracing a positive outlook encourages self-love, compassion, and a deeper connection to your inner wisdom. During spiritual healing, maintaining a positive mindset not only enhances your overall well-being but also accelerates your progress toward profound inner peace and enlightenment.
Meditative thinking is a cornerstone of spiritual healing, providing a calm and focused space for inner exploration and transformation. Through meditation, you can quiet the mind, release stress, and access deeper levels of consciousness, facilitating a profound connection with your true self. This practice allows you to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment, promoting clarity and insight. By regularly engaging in meditative thinking, you create a sanctuary of peace within, supporting emotional balance and spiritual growth. Embracing meditation during your healing journey fosters a sense of serenity and alignment, enhancing your overall well-being and spiritual enlightenment.
The Energy Aura body comprises various layers of electromagnetic frequencies, incorporating light and sound waves synergistically to construct consciousness intelligence identities across dimensions. These layers are housed within the Light body, which holds the blueprint structure and facilitates connections with our higher self or Source. Additionally, the Nadial Structure plays a crucial role in transmitting and receiving electrical impulses from the Light body. The Light body and Central Nervous System collaborate to establish communication pathways between energy receivers and transmitters, fostering the growth of new neural networks and the formation of energetic circuitry within the human electromagnetic field. This intricate process culminates in the outward manifestation of an energy aura, serving as a reflection of the individual's holistic well-being, neurological vitality, and spiritual alignment.
The Foundation of Multidimensional Consciousness. The 12 Tree Grid represents Level 1 of the Light body, forming the architecture of our multidimensional consciousness. It serves as the core manifestation body foundation, replicating the structure of the macrocosmic Universal Tree of Life within the microcosmic personal Tree of Life. This grid is the blueprint upon which individual human anatomy and the layers of our multidimensional existence are constructed, guided by the core template known as the Tree of Life.
The 12 Tree Grid, also known as the 12-dimensional system, serves as a foundational framework for the human energy field, encompassing various levels of consciousness, energetic pathways, and divine connections. Each of the 12 dimensions within the Tree Grid corresponds to specific aspects of the individual's spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical existence. However, due to life experiences, trauma, energetic imbalances and damage to our DNA, these dimensions can become distorted, fragmented, or blocked, leading to disharmony and disconnection within the energy field.
The Tree of Life, or Light body architecture, instructs every aspect of universal creation and life spirals through its intricate blueprint structures. Learning to consciously navigate the Universal Tree of Life is essential for achieving personal sovereignty and freedom, encapsulated by the principle of God-Sovereign-Free (GSF). The intelligence bodies create the morphogenetic field, the blueprint for all creation, based on a Base-12 Template that culminates in the Krystal Star Body with Cosmic Christ Intelligence. Dimensions 13, 14, and 15 are associated with the Threefold Founder Flame Rays (Mother, Father, Sun), representing the cosmology of our Universal Time Matrix.
Key Elements of the 12 Tree Grid Include
12 Spheres, 12 Rays, 12 Dimensions, 12 Timelines:
These elements constitute the 12-dimensional structure, with potential for 24 timelines, 12 DNA strands, and a harmonic structure of 12 base tones (144 sub-harmonics) embodying the Cosmic Christ Frequency in the 12th dimension. Beyond these 12 dimensions lies the Threefold Founder Flame, the foundational consciousness of our universe.
Spherical and Horizontal Triad Bodies:
The 12 Tree Grid includes 12 spherical and 5 horizontal triad bodies that hold the morphogenetic fields for the mental bodies and identities. Each triad body forms the horizontal structure of the Tree and represents the Mental Body/Male Principle, essential for understanding the horizontal triad bodies and rod functions built upon the 12 Tree Grid.
The light shield will create the perfect environment to repair and restore the 12 Tree Grid of the energy field is an extensive process that involves restoring balance, harmony, and vitality to the multidimensional aspects of one's being.
Clearing Energetic Blockages: Identify and clear any energetic blockages or distortions present within each dimension. These blockages may arise from past traumas, ancestral linage pathways, DNA, negative thought patterns, or karmic imprints that inhibit the free flow of energy.
Restoring Divine Blueprint: At the core of the healing process is the restoration of the individual's divine blueprint within each dimension of the Tree Grid. This blueprint represents the original template of perfect health, wholeness, and alignment with divine consciousness. Through energy healing techniques such as intention setting, visualization, and energetic transmission, the divine blueprint is reinstated, allowing for the reintegration of fragmented aspects of the self.
Activating Higher Consciousness: As the 12 Tree Grid is healed and repaired, higher states of consciousness become accessible to the individual. This includes expanded awareness, spiritual insights, and a deeper connection to universal wisdom and guidance. Activating higher consciousness within each dimension of the Tree Grid fosters spiritual growth, personal transformation, and the embodiment of one's true essence.
Integration and Alignment: The healing process of the 12 Tree Grid is a holistic endeavour that involves the integration and alignment of all aspects of the individual's being. This includes the physical body, emotional self, mental faculties, and spiritual essence. Through alignment with the divine blueprint and integration of higher consciousness, the individual experiences a sense of wholeness, coherence, and inner harmony.
The healing and repairing the 12 Tree Grid of the energy field is a sacred journey of self-discovery, transformation, and empowerment. By restoring balance and harmony within each dimension, you will align with your highest potential and embody the fullness of you divine nature.
NOTE: I am still working on repairing the damaged 10 DNA strands
Chakras are intricate centres within the body that exert multidimensional influences on both neurological processes and the brain's nervous system. These pivotal points regulate the flow of energy throughout the body, including the heart's rhythm, which undergoes adjustments within the heart chakra, overseen by the Monad. There exists an upgraded heart rhythm axiatonal line situated at the centre of the chest. The Lotus Points, intricately connected with specific aspects of the Heart Chakra's architecture, extend from the heart, playing a vital role in facilitating the breath of the Zero Point.
The fascia, a complex connective tissue network, forms a liquid crystalline matrix throughout the human body. This network connects every major system, relaying sensory information and instructions across tissue layers, linking internal and external circuits to multidimensional spiritual layers. The fascia saturates cells with multidimensional light and sound, making it the body's primary energetic communication system. It directly connects with the horizontal triad bodies of the Radial Body system and the 12 meridians that intersect with the 12 axiatonal lines, facilitating communication with the brain and nervous system.
Fascia, composed mainly of collagen fibers and sulfur molecules, forms a liquid crystalline lattice that wraps the entire body. Proper hydration electrifies this matrix, enhancing energy signal transmission faster than the central nervous system. This makes fascia a semiconductor, aiding in biological ionization and the generation of plasmic light, crucial for lightbody formation.
By understanding fascia's piezoelectric effects, life force energy can be circulated to clear meridian blockages. Physical pressure on specific areas alters the electrical dynamics within the body's tissue layers, activating energy meridians and enhancing internal energy flow. The fascia network also absorbs and modulates energetic currents from cosmic sources, protecting the body during electromagnetic surges and supporting ascension processes.
Fascia integrates all body components into a holistic matrix, unifying bodily systems to achieve energetic balance. It exists in three main layers: superficial (beneath the skin), deep (surrounding bones, organs, and the brain), and the deepest (in serous membranes, facilitating major bodily functions). Blockages in fascia, due to dehydration or trauma, hinder signal transmission, leading to pain, emotional imbalance, and mobility issues.
Fascia's crucial roles include cell-to-cell communication, supporting organ function, and maintaining energetic connectivity. It is integral to trauma healing, inflammation control, and pain relief. The fascia network ensures bodily structures remain fluid, allowing tissues to stretch and compress without losing elasticity and strength. Blockages from stress or injuries can adversely affect health, energy, and well-being.
As a messenger, the fascia network communicates environmental stimuli to the body's internal landscape, influencing gene transcription and optimizing bodily functions. It aids in cellular detoxification and nutrient delivery, as well as clearing energetic toxins like implants and negative entity attachments. Thus, the fascia crystalline network is essential for maintaining the body's holistic health and energetic balance.
When chronic stress and trauma remain unresolved, they manifest as tension and blockages in the fascia. These tension patterns affect body language, movement, and posture, eventually aligning the mind and emotions with these rigid patterns. Such repetitive habits and automatic reactions to stress can block energy flow and cellular communication, causing the fascia to solidify and form rigid holding patterns.
The instinctual brain's fight, flight, or freeze response triggers these repetitive patterns, creating distortions in the body's movements and posture. Emotional and physical traumas are stored as blockages in the fascia, which serves as a cellular communication system. These traumas, often deep energetic wounds, are recorded in the fascia's crystalline matrix until they are addressed, released, or integrated.
Unhealed traumas create blockages that cause imbalances across physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers. An aware person or empath can perceive these accumulative emotions through body language and posture, gaining insights into past experiences influencing current consciousness. The fascia network helps interpret these emotional sensations, guiding appropriate actions.
When fascia is blocked by trauma, it disrupts the holistic communication system of the body and multidimensional consciousness layers. This disconnection from the soul and spiritual body can fill us with fear and dread. Emotional wounds and traumas can control our biology, impacting body language, perceptions of reality, and light body functions, thereby dampening conscious awareness.
The Light Shield spiritual healing process helps release these traumas, restoring the fascia to its natural state and improving energy flow, ultimately reconnecting us with our soul and spiritual body.
The chakra network comprises a sophisticated system spanning the body, serving to energize and sustain the physical body. Through the shield's intervention, blockages are cleared, pathways are opened or closed as needed, frequencies are balanced, and the chakras are activated to revitalize not only the physical body but also its internal organs, glands, and auric bodies. Each chakra embodies a distinct mental framework and embodies a higher spiritual blueprint's shape and purpose. Through this integration, the development of self-awareness is facilitated, paving the way for the evolution of the higher spiritual body.
The chakras act as conduits for transmitting and receiving frequencies from the universal matrix, facilitating the circulation of life force energy throughout the body. When balanced, they support expanded consciousness and the embodiment of our spiritual blueprint. Imbalances or blockages in the chakras can lead to dysfunctions, diseases, and pain due to stagnant energy. There are seven primary particle chakras and eight anti-particle chakras, totalling fifteen, each corresponding to colours in the frequency spectrum and dimensional locations. They vitalise the auric bodies, promote spiritual growth, and transmit energy between auric layers. Chakras are connected to subtle energy channels called nadis and are metaphysical counterparts to endocrine glands. They function as hard drives storing memories that shape our reality experiences, regardless of their openness.
The Chakra Crystal Keys (CCK) serve as control mechanisms for the Chakra Crystal Seeds located on the vertical channel within each chakra cone on the second Light body layer of the body's 12 Tree Grid holographic template.
The rotational spin of the Chakra Crystal Keys on the Hara Line regulates and modulates dimensional frequencies and intelligence through the Axiatonal Lines, which in turn influence the chakras and other bodily energy systems. The crystal seals grid governs the particle spin and the levels of frequency accretion that are transmitted into the chakras. The rotation of the Chakra Crystal Keys (or Crystal Seals) maintains the identities in other dimensions within their respective time and space, keeping the auric layers of the body in separate dimensions.
As mental bodies merge, the CCKs activate, enhancing our capacity to embody higher expressions of dimensional consciousness. The bio-energetic mechanics of the crystal star seals play a crucial role in this evolutionary process. The HGS CCKM Module addresses issues related to activating the primary Hara Chakra Crystal Keys, opening Axiatonal Lines, modulating chakra frequency load, integrating multi-dimensional identities for DNA activation, and facilitating Merkaba activation for spiritual ascension.
CCK 1 Red Crystal - On Hara line between Chakra 1 and 2
CCK 2 Orange Crystal - On Hara Line between Chakra 2 and 3
CCK 3 Yellow Crystal - On Hara Line between Chakra 2 and 3
CCK 4 Green Crystal - On Hara line below Chakra 4
CCK 5 Blue Crystal - On Hara line above Chakra 4
CCK 6 Indigo Crystal - On Hara line in Chakra 8 (Thymus Seed Atom)
CCK 7 Violet Crystal - On Hara line in the Centre of the Brain
CCK 8 Gold Crystal- On Hara line in Earth Chakra 12, beneath the feet
CCK 9 Silver Crystal - On Hara Line between Chakra 2 and 3
CCK 10 Sapphire Crystal - In The Earth Core, Chakra 13
CCK 11 Dark Silver Crystal - On Hara ln Between Chakra 10 and 11
CCK 12 White Crystal -In Top of 12D Pillar, the 14th Chakra.
CCK 13 Aquamarine Crystal- Deep Space
CCK 14 Pale Gold - Deep Space
CCK 15 Magenta - Deep Space
Our chakras resemble circular flower petals with seed crystals at their centers. These crystal seeds are connected to the central vertical channel of the Hara Line. When we are healthy and energetically balanced, prana, the breath of life, flows in circular patterns through our Vertical Channels and chakras. The prana tube directs this breath flow along the same path as the Hara Line, where the centers of our chakra cones are attached.
The Rate of Frequency is a reflection of Energy's Consciousness, which either contracts or expands to maintain or enhance it. The speed at which energy contracts back towards its source field's centre point is its vibration rate, while the speed at which it expands away from this centre point is its Oscillation rate. The Frequency rate, determined by the combined pattern of Vibration (contraction) and Oscillation (expansion) speed, governs all energy and matter. As our personal, collective, and planetary consciousness elevates in frequency, the material world, including our bodies, becomes less dense, aligning with the increased Frequency.
The physical body contains seven primary particle chakras, which integrate with their antiparticle counterparts through the process of Soul and Monadic spiritual body integration, essential for spiritual ascension. These antiparticle chakras, also known as morphogenetic chakras, remain mostly dormant until we reach advanced stages of spiritual ascension, such as Monadic activation at the 8th chakra or the utilisation of the 12D Shield.
The main vertical spiritual current column, also known as the sushumna, runs up the centre of the body. It is associated with the formation of the first of the original eight cells of the Spirit Body located in the tailbone, from which the hara currents originate. Prior to the Hara Currents, the Core Currents flow from the Eye of God.
White spiral: Pingala nadi, representing the solar principle.
Dark spiral: Ida nadi, representing the lunar principle.
Vertical central line: Sushumna nadi, representing the neutral pathway.
Clearing blockages will enhance the kundalini flow, repair and restore the hara line. This vertical channel within the body's energy field is responsible for maintaining energetic balance and vitality to the chakra system that has become blocked or distorted due to negative alien communication connections.
The hara centre resides at the navel, nestled about two inches inward from the skin's surface. Acting as the portal to the ethereal cocoon encircling the planet, it serves as the focal point for the etheric body, where the Monad, the core essence, establishes its presence. Measuring approximately an inch in diameter, it opens the gateway to the vast reservoir of life force, known as chi. Surrounding the hara centre, and pivoting around it, lies an energetic envelope termed the 'tan tien' or Dantien—a spherical accumulation of etheric energy akin to a soccer ball in size, replenished by the Hara Line.
Also known as the acupuncture meridian system of the human body, this energy network shares similarities in function. It serves as a vital bridge connecting the physical body with higher dimensional planes and systems. Within this intricate framework, axiatonal lines act as conduits of pure energy, instrumental in processes of healing, spiritual growth, and ascension. When these lines operate optimally, they form a perfect grid, facilitating our connection to the greater universe and enabling access to higher realms of consciousness. The blockages and distortions can disrupt the flow of energy within the axiatonal system, leading to imbalance and disease across physical, emotional, and mental domains. To address these challenges, the Light Shield intervenes by recalibrating, clearing, and correcting any reversal polarities present in the light body. This intervention can yield profound impacts on overall well-being, empowering us to tap into our innate healing abilities, access elevated states of consciousness, and ultimately lead more balanced and fulfilling lives.
The term "Nadial System" encompasses various components including the complete Nadial Complex, Nadial Plexus, the Nadial Body, and the Nadis Capsule. It represents the collective system of the etheric blueprint body that encloses the Soul matrix. This system plays a vital role in the functioning of our physical body's Central Nervous System, facilitating communication between various parts and relaying important messages to the Brain. The nadial System is the etheric blueprint of the soul matrix which is responsible for our physical bodies central nervous system functioning and its messaging to the brain. The shield will energetically upgrade the nadial system to correct the vertical centre channels of the neurological system & spinal cord to receive the communication from the higher spiritual layers of the soul & function at higher levels.
Is a CNS (Central Nervous System) Blueprint that shapes the template of higher dimensional consciousness within the human body. It is a complex system of energy and communication pathways that form an intricate network throughout the body, enabling multiple levels of information exchange. The CNS Blueprint is considered to be the foundational structure of the human body responsible for creating and maintaining the physical, emotional, and mental health of an individual. It is regarded as a multi-dimensional system that operates beyond the boundaries of our physical body. At a deeper level, the Nadial Structure serves as a portal for spiritual levels of consciousness to penetrate the human body and activate higher states of awareness. It forms an essential link between the physical body and subtle energy fields, often called the Universal Life Force or Prana. The structure is composed of a series of atria and ventricles, resembling a network of highways. These pathways transport vital information and nutrients throughout the body and coordinate the functions of multiple systems simultaneously. The structure enables an individual to experience a higher sense of consciousness, tapping into the vastness of the universe and connecting them to their true self. This structure helps individuals to awaken their dormant spiritual energy, allowing them to experience a more profound sense of inner peace, emotional balance, and spiritual growth.
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The blueprint for the primary gender centres is situated in the 2D layers. When these centres get activated to eliminate corrupt elementals or rectify gender equilibrium (specifically the Rod and Staff), plasma flames erupt from the feet, ankles, calves, and knees. Typically, this process persists and stimulates the flame access points of the complete Lotus Point sets in the Monadic Bio-Computer layer. As a result, a sequence of detoxification symptoms may follow as the consciousness body strives to reduce density.
The light shield stands as a spiritual instrument harnessing the potent energy of light to restore and heal the neural pathways of the brain. Its profound impact extends to relieving stress and anxiety, fostering tranquillity and inner peace while dissolving the accumulation of negative energies. This allows the neural pathways to remain receptive to positive and healing energies, facilitating emotional balance and well-being. The light shield serves as a catalyst for introspection and self-reflection, nurturing personal growth and deepening self-awareness. To fully harness its transformative potential, creating a sacred and distraction-free space is essential, complemented by meditation or mindfulness practices that amplify its effects. Operating at the intersection of the spiritual and neural realms, the light shield offers a profound method of healing. By tapping into the boundless power of light energy, it synergizes with the intricate workings of the brain, alleviating stress, anxiety, and promoting holistic emotional well-being.
The central nervous system (CNS) controls bodily functions and communication between the brain and the body. However, it can be affected by stress and anxiety, leading to issues like heightened anxiety sensitivity and reduced mental clarity. The Light Shield helps alleviate these problems by soothing the CNS, reducing stress and anxiety levels. This, in turn, restores mental clarity, improves focus, and enhances cognitive functions such as memory and decision-making, promoting overall well-being.